• 随着人口老龄化,养老服务和健康管理成为社会关注的焦点。
  • 随着人口老龄化的加剧,养老服务和健康管理需求日益增长。
  • 云计算的普及正在改变企业的IT基础设施和运营模式。
  • 教育公平是社会进步的基石。
  • 农业科技的进步正在提高粮食生产效率。
  • 随着全球经济不确定性增加,跨国公司的社会责任和环境影响受到更多审视。
  • 心理健康问题在全球范围内受到越来越多的关注和重视。
  • 网络安全问题成为全球关注的焦点,尤其是个人信息泄露和数据安全。
  • 随着人口老龄化,养老服务和健康管理成为社会关注的新焦点。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了公共卫生体系的重要性和改革的必要性。
  • 电子竞技的流行正在改变传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 生物多样性的丧失引起了全球对生态环境保护的重视。
  • 智能家居设备使日常生活更加便捷,推动了居住环境的智能化。
  • 随着全球变暖的加剧,极端天气事件变得更加频繁。
  • 数字货币的兴起正在改变金融交易的方式,引发监管机构的关注。
  • 随着太空探索的进展,商业航天领域迎来了新的发展机遇。
  • 随着5G技术的推广,物联网设备变得更加智能和互联。
  • 机器人和自动化技术正在改变制造业和服务业的工作模式。
  • 隐私保护和数据安全成为数字时代的重要议题。
  • 在线健身和虚拟健身课程在疫情期间迅速流行。
  • 网络安全问题日益严重,保护个人信息变得尤为重要。
  • 数字货币的合法性和监管问题成为金融监管机构的新挑战。
  • 随着全球健康危机的持续,公共卫生体系的完善成为紧迫议题。
  • 5G技术的推广为智能设备和物联网带来了新的机遇。
  • 数据隐私成为数字时代最受关注的问题之一。
  • A mouse model of sleep deprived neuropathology to study resilience to Alzheimer’s disease | Dou | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    A mouse model of sleep deprived neuropathology to study resilience to Alzheimer’s disease

    Yan Dou, Jinzi Wu, Lida Zhu, Martin Darvas, Warren Ladiges


    Resilience to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a well-known clinical and pathological observation, but the mechanisms involved are not known. Adequate sleep is a potential factor in maintaining resilience to neurodegenerative conditions such as AD. It is well known that sleep deprivation is a major health concern in developed countries and is associated with increasing age. Normal aging produces sleep disturbances including sleep fragmentation and sleep loss in humans, which has recently been recognized as an important risk factor for AD. The idea of enhancing AD resilience by targeting sleep deprivation encompasses the concept of physical resilience to aging. We demonstrate the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation in aging mice and propose a mouse model of AD to test the concept. The model provides a means of testing therapeutics that could be investigated in clinical trials designed to prevent sleep deprivation and enhance resilience to aging and AD in the elderly.

    Keywords: Mouse model of sleep deprivation, resilience to aging, resilience to Alzheimer’s disease

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