• 气候变化引发的自然灾害频发,促使各国加大减排力度。
  • 电子商务的快速发展改变了消费者的购物习惯。
  • 生物多样性的丧失引起了全球对生态环境保护的重视。
  • 虚拟现实和增强现实技术在教育和娱乐领域的应用越来越广泛。
  • 电子竞技的兴起正在改变传统体育的面貌。
  • 生物技术在精准医疗和个性化治疗中的应用前景广阔。
  • 随着环保意识的提高,可持续消费和绿色生活方式成为新的消费趋势。
  • 电子商务的蓬勃发展改变了消费者的购物习惯和零售业格局。
  • 网络安全问题日益突出,个人数据保护成为社会关注的焦点。
  • 网络安全问题日益突出,个人数据保护成为社会关注的焦点。
  • 气候变化导致的极端天气事件频发,全球减排行动迫在眉睫。
  • 随着人口老龄化的加剧,养老服务和健康管理需求日益增长。
  • 随着全球经济不确定性增加,跨国公司的社会责任和环境影响受到更多审视。
  • 自动化和机器人技术在制造业中的应用提高了生产效率。
  • 随着全球化的深入,跨文化交流和国际合作变得日益重要。
  • 5G技术的推广为物联网和智能城市的发展提供了新的动力。
  • 随着全球化的深入,多语言能力和跨文化交流变得日益重要。
  • 在线教育平台的兴起为传统教育模式带来了挑战和机遇。
  • 隐私保护和数据安全成为数字时代的重要议题。
  • 社交媒体对年轻一代的影响力日益增强,引发对网络文化和心理健康的讨论。
  • 社交媒体对年轻一代的影响力不容忽视。
  • 电子商务的快速发展对传统零售业造成了巨大冲击。
  • 电子竞技的兴起改变了传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 远程办公的普及引发了对工作与生活平衡的新思考。
  • 电动汽车的普及推动了能源行业的转型,减少了对化石燃料的依赖。
  • Special Issues

    Special Issue Guidelines

    Special issues are collections of articles advancing a novel debate, idea or field. Ideas for new special issues may come from a variety of sources, like suggestions of the editorial board or scientists working in the field. Scholars who are interested in publishing a special issue with us are advised to consider the following guidelines.

    Proposal of a Special Issue

    All special issues must receive initial approvals from the Editor-in-Chief. Guest Editors should provide a proposal of the special issues for the Editor-in-Chief's consideration. The proposal format must contain:
    A CV of the Guest Editor;
    The title, brief abstract (about 200-300 words) and 3-8 keywords of the special issue;
    A statement of the special issue's significance to the field and attractiveness to authors;
    An outlined timeframe;
    A list of potential contributions and abstracts if possible.

    Responsibilities of Guest Editors

    Guest Editors are expected to:
    Provide a short introduction, an image and other necessary information for the special issue;
    Provide a table of contents for the special issue if possible;
    Draft a Call for Papers invitation; recommend and/or invite contributors;
    Oversee the peer review process, and make decisions on special issue articles to ensure the quality of the special issue publication;
    Write an Editorial to summarize the content and rationale of the special issue.
    Note: Journal editors will assist Guest Editors with editorial work of the special issue. Editor-in-Chief may participate in operations of certain special issues.

    Notices for Authors

    Authors who are invited or intend to publish in a special issue should pay attention to the following items:
    Read Editorial Policies and Author Instructions carefully, ensuring the manuscript meets all requirements before submission;
    Submit the manuscript by the deadline. Overdue submissions may be excluded from the special issue and processed as regular submissions;
    Submit the manuscript via the Online Submission System;
    Indicate "This article is for the special issue XXXX" in cover letter when submitting;
    Note that being invited to contribute a paper to a special issue is not a guarantee of publication. Special issue articles undergo the same high-standard editorial procedure as other submissions.

    Peer-Review and Editorial Procedure

    All special issue articles are subject to rigorous and impartial peer-review like other regular submissions. Guest Editors supervise the editorial process of all special issue articles and make decisions on them comprehensively on the basis of all review comments. Guest Editors are welcome to recommend reviewers for submissions before peer review. Manuscripts with conflicts of interest with Guest Editors are sent to other science editors for decision. For more information of Ant editorial handling, please refer to Peer Review Guidelines and Editorial Process.

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