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  • Sarcopenia and falls in older adults | Chen | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    Sarcopenia and falls in older adults

    Chieh Chen, Daming Liao


    The biggest social impact of Taiwan's aging population is an increase in the need for geriatric medical care as well as an increase in the burden on social and economic wellbeing. It will have an impact on domestic consumption, domestic demand, and labor supply, as well as changes in the demographic structure. As the workforce decreases and productivity declines, there will be a succession of shifts in consumer demand and infrastructure. Sarcopenia has more detrimental effects in obese or osteoporotic populations than in the general healthy population, and it is additive to the effects of obesity and osteoporosis on metabolism and physical activity. Increased adipose tissue in the aged can also cause an increase in chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, decreased muscle synthesis, and increased muscle breakdown, increasing the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in the elderly. According to studies, sarcopenia increases the risk of falls in the elderly and causes obese older persons to lose muscle readily on a calorie-restricted diet. As shown above, nutritional supplementation as well as moderate aerobic and resistance exercise can reduce the risk of sarcopenia and falls in the obese elderly. Falls and their associated injuries are a major health care issue among the elderly. Falls are a typical occurrence in the elderly and are related to increased morbidity and disability. It is predicted that in such a community, two-thirds of unintentional injury deaths are caused by a fall. And increase geriatric mobility, so pay attention to sarcopenia and frailty problems in the elderly, and early and active intervention can avoid subsequent disability and the disadvantages of sarcopenia and frailty.

    Keywords: Sarcopenia, malnutrition, falls, frailty, geriatric syndrome, osteosarcopenia

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