• 随着区块链技术的成熟,其在金融行业之外的应用逐渐增多。
  • 随着太空探索的进展,商业航天领域迎来了新的发展机遇。
  • 海洋塑料污染问题引起了全球范围内的广泛关注和行动。
  • 随着人口老龄化,养老服务和健康管理成为社会关注的新焦点。
  • 全球健康危机促使各国加强公共卫生体系的建设和改革。
  • 在线健身和虚拟健身课程在疫情期间迅速流行。
  • 电子竞技的流行正在改变传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 健康饮食和生活方式的推广正在成为社会趋势。
  • 在线教育的普及为全球学习者提供了更多样化的学习资源。
  • 人工智能在医疗领域的应用,如智能诊断和机器人手术,正在改变治疗方式。
  • 智能家居设备使日常生活更加便捷,推动了居住环境的智能化。
  • 远程工作模式的普及引发了对工作生活平衡和城市居住模式的新思考。
  • 5G技术的推广为物联网和智能城市的发展提供了新机遇。
  • 气候变化对全球生态系统的影响成为国际议程的重中之重。
  • 社交媒体在社会运动和政治变革中扮演了重要角色。
  • 全球健康危机加速了医疗保健行业的数字化转型。
  • 城市化进程中的城市规划和交通问题成为热点。
  • 电动汽车的普及推动了能源行业的转型,减少了对化石燃料的依赖。
  • 数据隐私和网络安全成为数字化时代的重要议题。
  • 教育公平是社会进步的基石。
  • 社交媒体对年轻一代的影响力日益增强,引发对网络文化和心理健康的讨论。
  • 在线教育的兴起为教育资源的公平分配提供了新途径。
  • 随着全球健康危机的持续,公共卫生体系的完善成为紧迫议题。
  • 气候变化问题成为全球关注的焦点,各国正在加强应对措施。
  • 网络安全威胁的增加迫使企业和个人加强数据保护措施。
  • The house cricket is an unrecognized but potentially powerful model for aging intervention studies | Liao | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    The house cricket is an unrecognized but potentially powerful model for aging intervention studies

    Gerald Yu Liao, Manuela Rosenfeld, Jackson Wezeman, Warren Ladiges


    Human-based research in biology of aging poses challenges due to ethical, social, and cost considerations. Animal models offer a pragmatic alternative, though no single model fully replicates all aspects of human aging. One unexplored model for studying aging is the house cricket (Acheta domesticus). House crickets present advantages for aging intervention research such as consuming an omnivorous diet, availability on a heterogeneous genetic background, short lifespan, and simple but well-defined organ systems. A preliminary experiment investigated the effects of flax oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, on the lifespan of house crickets. Cold pressed flax oil was added to moistened guinea pig chow mash as a 10% mixture and fed to crickets starting at 8 weeks of age and continuing for 11 weeks when the last cricket died.  Results demonstrated a significant extension in survival for crickets fed the flax oil diet, further emphasizing the low cost, simplicity, and short time required for conducting dietary intervention studies in house crickets. Using this observation as a prototype, the house cricket is a promising and deserving model for intervention drug testing based on an aging platform.

    Keywords: Aging, house cricket, lifespan, aging intervention, flax oil

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