• 大数据和机器学习在商业决策中的作用越来越重要。
  • 生物技术的进步为治疗遗传疾病提供了新的可能性。
  • 随着人们对健康意识的提高,健康食品和生活方式受到更多关注。
  • 太空探索的商业化为航天产业带来了新的投资和创新。
  • 随着技术的发展,智能家居和自动化生活正在成为现实。
  • 网络安全威胁的增加迫使企业和个人加强数据保护措施。
  • 虚拟现实和增强现实技术在娱乐和教育领域的应用前景广阔。
  • 太空探索技术的进步为人类带来了新的可能。
  • 社交媒体在政治、社会和文化领域的影响力持续扩大。
  • 海洋塑料污染问题引发了全球范围内的环保行动。
  • 气候变化引发的极端天气事件频发,全球减排行动迫在眉睫。
  • 随着人们对健康意识的提高,健康食品和生活方式受到更多关注。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了公共卫生体系的重要性。
  • 大数据在商业决策中的作用越来越重要。
  • 随着人口老龄化,养老服务和健康管理成为社会关注的新焦点。
  • 健康意识的提升促使消费者更加关注食品来源和营养价值。
  • 移动支付和数字货币的普及正在改变人们的支付习惯。
  • 在线教育平台的兴起为传统教育模式带来了挑战和机遇。
  • 随着5G网络的部署,智能城市的概念正在逐步变为现实。
  • 随着技术的发展,智能家居设备正在改变家庭生活方式。
  • 随着技术的发展,无人驾驶汽车的测试和部署正在加速。
  • 社交媒体对青少年心理健康的影响成为社会关注的焦点。
  • 大数据在商业决策和市场预测中的作用日益凸显。
  • 随着技术的发展,智能家居和自动化生活正在成为现实。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了加强公共卫生体系和国际卫生合作的紧迫性。
  • Uro-Technology Journal

    Uro-Technology Journal

    Uro-Technology Journal (UTJ, Online ISSN 2836-1741) formerly known as Clinical Surgery Research Communications, is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal available online. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, editorials, letters to the editor, rapid communications, and case reports in English, emphasizing the basic and clinical research relevant to all urologic diseases, the novel technological developments in the field of urology and their application in the clinical practice. The diagnosis, therapy, epidemiology, prevention, biomarkers, pathology, surgical innovations (such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, mini-invasive surgery) in urology are included but not limited to the scope of this journal. The journal publishes papers on a wide range of urological issues such as oncology, functional urology, reconstructive urology, andrology, sexual medicine, laparoscopy, robotic surgery, endourology and surgical technologies.

    Indexing More>>
    Original Article The effects of 5-ARIs on prostate volume in patients with or without heart failure and benign prostate hyperplasia: prospective, comparative study Denis V Krakhotkin, Volodymyr A. Chernylovskyi, Francesco Greco, Aly M Abdel-Karim, Ali Serdar Gözen, Anastasia G. Korplyakova, Nikolay.Yu Iglovikov Published: Thursday, July 18, 2024
    Review Technological evolution in urology: assessing laparoscopic and robotic surgery Juan A. Fulla, José M. Campero, Ricardo Mora Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
    Original Article Effects of Protoves-M1® and IPB-tre® on the prevention and the treatment of irritative symptoms after REZUM therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Francesco Greco, Salvatore Smelzo, Maurizio Gozo, Antonino Inferrera, Michele Colicchia, Luca Gemma, Luigi Domanico, Oreste Risi, Giovanni La Croce Published: Friday, June 21, 2024
    Original Article Evaluation of surgical and functional outcomes after bilateral intrafascial nerve-sparing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy after prostate resection for incidental prostate cancer Francesco Greco, Antonino Inferrera, Maurizio Gozo, Luigi Domanic Published: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
    Mini Review Artificial intelligence and augmented reality: transforming urology? Leslie Claire Licari, Eugenio Bologna, Francesco Ditonno, Riccardo Autorino Published: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
    Case Report Torsion of a cryptorchidism testicle in a toddler Shahid Ali, Faisal Ilyas, Maria Aslam, Muhammad Irfan Nazir Published: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
    Reviewer Acknowledgement 2023 Reviewer Acknowledgment Editorial Office of Uro-Technology Journal Published: Monday, December 25, 2023
    Case Report Spontaneous renal pelvis rupture: a case report Javier Pizzarello, Luis Rico, Leandro Blas, Hernando Rios Pita Published: Monday, December 25, 2023
    Original Article Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in obese patients: how can the body mass index influence the surgical and functional outcomes? Francesco Greco, Francesco Lembo Published: Monday, December 25, 2023
    Conference Abstract Abstracts presented at 5th annual conference of Mediterranean Minimally Invasive Surgery in Urology Editor: Francesco Greco Published: Monday, December 25, 2023
    Case Report A case of duodenal perforation and pancreatic bleeding after flexible ureteroscopy for right renal pelvis UTUC Stefano Spagna, Mon Mon OO, Silvia Proietti, Matheus Henrique Lima Pupulin, Salvatore Di Pietro, Maria Pia Pavia, Franco Gaboardi, Fabrizio Dal Moro, Guido Giusti Published: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
    Review Neuroendocrine prostate tumors: histologic features and therapy Francesco Greco, Antonino Inferrera, Maurizio Gozo, Luigi Domanico, Francesco Lembo Published: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
    Case Report Robotic assisted transvesical excision of recurrent bladder leiomyoma with intraoperative ultrasound guidance Ayman Ali, Daniel Wilby, Joni Dossantos, Richard Robinson Published: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
    Case Report Preoperative 3D model guidance for robotic-partial nephrectomy: a case report of intraoperative vascular injury and its management Gabriele Volpi, Daniele Amparore, Giovanni Busacca, Alberto Piana, Federico Piramide, Sabrina De Cillis, Cristian Fiori, Francesco Porpiglia, Michele Di Dio, Enrico Checcucci Published: Friday, June 30, 2023
    Annoucement More>>
    Thursday, June 27, 2024
    June | Vol 8, No 2 (2024) has been published, welcome to read and share!
    Monday, April 29, 2024
    To provide young scholars with an active academic exchange platform for exchanging ideas with each other and with influential experts in oncology, functional urology, reconstructive urology, andrology, sexual medicine, laparoscopy, robotic surgery, endourology and surgical technologies, the Editorial Office plans to recruit junior Editorial Board members worldwide from now on.
    Thursday, March 3, 2022
    Uro-Technology Journal formerly known as Clinical Surgery Research Communications recruits for Editorial Board Members.

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