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  • 生物技术在农业领域的应用有助于提高作物产量和可持续性。
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  • 电动汽车市场的快速增长推动了全球能源结构的转型。
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  • 环境可持续性成为企业社会责任的重要组成部分。
  • Long-term treatment with Elamipretide enhances healthy aging phenotypes in mice | Nickel | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    Long-term treatment with Elamipretide enhances healthy aging phenotypes in mice

    Kaitlin Nickel, Lida Zhu, Ruby Mangalindan, Jessica M. Snyder, Matthew Tucker, Jeremy Whitson, Maryia Sweetwyne, Ana P. Valencia, Jenna Klug, Zhou Jiang, David J. Marcinek, Peter Rabinovitch, Warren Ladiges


    Disruption of metabolic and bioenergetic homeostasis related to mitochondrial dysfunction is a key driver of aging biology. Therefore, targeting mitochondrial function would be a rational approach to slowing aging. Elamipretide (Elam, a.k.a. SS-31) is a peptide known to target mitochondria and suppress mammalian signs of aging. The present study was designed to examine the phenotypic effects of long-term Elam treatment on aging in C57BL/6 mice starting at 18 months of age. Mice were fed regular chow (RC diet) or a diet high in fat and sugar (HF diet) and treated with 3 mg/kg of Elam or saline subcutaneously 5 days per week for 10 months. Physiological performance assessments were conducted at 28 months of age. Elam improved the physical performance of males but not females, while in females Elam improved cognitive performance and enhanced the maintenance of body weight and fat mass. It also improved diastolic function in both males and females, but to a greater extent in males. The HF diet over 10 months had a negative effect on health span, as it increased body fat and decreased muscle strength and heart function, especially in females. In conclusion, Elam enhanced healthy aging and cardiac function in both male and female mice, although the specific effects on function differed between sexes. In females, the treatment led to better cognitive performance and maintenance of body composition, while in males, performance on a rotating rod was preserved. These overall observations have translational implications for considering additional studies using Elam in therapeutic or preventive approaches for aging and age-related diseases.

    Keywords: Aging, mitochondria, elamipretide, C57BL/6 mice, high fat and sugar diet

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