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  • 生物多样性的丧失成为全球生态保护的紧迫问题。
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  • 隐私保护和数据安全在数字化时代变得更加重要。
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  • 随着移动支付的普及,现金交易正在逐渐减少。
  • 随着全球经济不确定性增加,跨国公司的社会责任和环境影响受到更多审视。
  • 随着全球化的深入,跨文化交流和国际合作变得日益重要。
  • 数字化教育平台的快速发展为个性化学习提供了新途径。
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  • 农业科技的进步正在提高粮食生产效率。
  • 教育改革成为各国政府关注的热点议题。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了加强公共卫生体系和国际卫生合作的紧迫性。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了加强公共卫生体系和国际卫生合作的紧迫性。
  • 在线教育平台的兴起为传统教育模式带来了挑战和机遇。
  • 在线健身和虚拟健身课程在疫情期间迅速流行。
  • 移动支付和数字货币的普及正在改变人们的支付习惯。
  • 环保材料和可持续生产方式正在成为企业的标配。
  • 随着全球经济不确定性增加,跨国公司的社会责任和环境影响受到更多审视。
  • 全球健康危机加速了医疗保健行业的数字化转型。
  • Targeting IGF1R signaling for brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease | Park | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    Targeting IGF1R signaling for brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease

    Joo Young Park, Martin Darvas, Warren Ladiges


    The role of IGF1R signaling in the brain and the relationship to aging and neurological dysfunction is controversial. Because it was shown that low IGF1R activity consistently improved myocardial bioenergetics and function in hearts from aging mice, but not hearts from young mice, it was of interest to investigate this relationship in brain aging.  We used CRISPR technology to develop a mouse model with targeted replacement of mouse IGF1R with the equivalent of the human R407H (IGF1RR407H) variant enriched in centenarians with reduction in IGF1R protein activity. Middle-aged mice show improved cognitive performance thus possibly modeling IGF1R signaling in the aging brain, similar to what was reported in the aging heart. Because Azheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related disease, specific IGF1RR407H pathways could be therapeutic targets in mice with AAV vector-based AD as well as for overall brain aging.

    Keywords: IGF1R signaling, IGF1RR407H variant, brain aging, cognition, Alzheimer’s disease

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